Gallinago hardwickii  

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)
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© Kay Parkin 2013
Robe, SA (Dec, 2013)

It is rare to see these elusive birds sitting out in the open, so imagine my surprise when I managed to see over eighty of them sitting in the samphire on a lake at sunset!

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)

Latham's Snipe

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)

Latham's Snipe

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)

Latham's Snipe

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)

Latham's Snipe

Latham's Snipe (Gallinago hardwickii)

Latham's Snipe